Heathcote to be a Dementia Care Leader

A large contingent of highly tech-savvy scientists and entrepreneurs from Melbourne visited Heathcote recently to meet with the board of Heathcote Dementia Alliance (HDA) and the CEO of Heathcote Health.

HDA is a local volunteer organisation working on ways to assist those affected by dementia, both carers and patients, to support them to live more fulfilling lives. 

HDA Board member Eugene Meegan said the Melbourne team’s work on artificial intelligence aims to help many people with early dementia able to live at home longer, and assist them if and when they (and their partners) move into care. 

“CaptureLiveAI is one of the latest innovations to come out of AIBuild, and they are developing and trialling a range of artificial intelligence technologies,” Eugene said. “ Part of CaptureLiveAI’s  innovation team, all honorary graduates of the University of Melbourne and Monash University, are relocating here in 2022 to continue their work and assist Heathcote Health and HDA with our work on best practice dementia care,” he added.

“AIBuild CEO Yifei Wang, who created the CaptureLive AI prototype, has been officially recognised by the Australian Government as a distinguished talent under the Global Talent Pathway.  

“CaptureLiveAI is a real-time monitoring and analysis system to prevent accidents and assist nursing staff to respond better and quicker towards the elderly and those who have disabilities, especially with high fall risk and low mobility. It would also help in households.”

The visiting team was led by Prof Lihai Zhang from the Department of Infrastructure Engineering, The University of Melbourne. Prof Zhang is internationally renowned for his expertise in orthopaedic biomechanics and mechanobiology. He is also an Adjunct Professor in the School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health, Monash University. 

Prof Zhang will contribute to the development and implementation of innovative aged care technologies for those affected by dementia, through establishing a collaboration between regional community, universities, hospitals and industry. 

CEO of Heathcote Health Dan Douglass has welcomed the CaptureLiveAI team’s visit, and their planned relocation to town. “This is an amazing coup for the Heathcote community to have such a high level company looking to collaborate and work here, as we all plan for the long term care of the district,” he said. 

The 15-strong team enjoyed lunch at Three Dams Estate and afternoon tea at The Gaggle of Geese.  Heathcote Health CEO Dan Douglass provided a short tour of the hospital grounds and spoke of the activities such as The Men’s Shed, and HDA’s proposed Futures Hub, Virtual Research Innovation and Education Hub. 

You can also follow the progress of the care cabins and other HDA initiatives relating to dementia care through the Facebook page @HeathcoteDementiaAlliance

Big Plans for dementia care in Heathcote: (l to r): Eugene Meegan, Vice President Heathcote Dementia Alliance; Sandra Slatter, President, Heathcote Dementia Alliance; Dan Douglass CEO Heathcote Health; Yifei Wang, CEO of AIBUILD PTY LTD; and Professor Lihai Zhang, Department of Infrastructure Engineering, The University of Melbourne. 


Building a dementia-friendly town


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